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Chungcheongbuk-do’s New Year’s Keywords: Gap, Window, Door, and Path
내용 - Widening the gap to build a window, broadening the window to build a door, and opening up the door to create a path! -

Governor Kim Young-hwan said on January 3 that this year’s keywords for the Chungcheongbuk-do are “Gap, Window, Door, and Path,” wishing to find a blue ocean in the province in the Year of Blue Dragon and to build a path to hope that heads towards a bigger world.

Governor Kim added, “The keywords mean we will widen the undiscovered gaps that lead to the advancement of the province to build a window between them, broaden the window to build a door, and open up the door to create a path.”

“These keywords will become the basic framework for Chungcheongbuk-do to become a heart of the revolution in Korea and a pulse for the national innovation.”

Governor Kim stressed, “Since this year will be the beginning of the long journey to build private airstrips in Cheongju International Airport with our residents, we will do our best to create a path to the sky with the utmost determination. This initiative will widen the gap to open up a window and a door, thus heading to a new path.”

Chungcheongbuk-do has been expressing the new year's goal or slogan through idioms derived from the traditional Chinese stories, such as history, classical pieces, or poems, but this year, the province set “Gap, Window, Door, and Path” as the new year’s keywords with a mindset of seeking for solutions based on facts.