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Supporting my hometown with ‘Hometown Love Donations’
내용 - Chungcheongbuk-do & NACF Chungbuk Regional Headquarters held a campaign in the Lunar New Year season

On the 19th, Chungcheongbuk-do and National Agricultural Cooperative Federation (NACF) Chungbuk Regional Headquarters promoted a street campaign for “Hometown Love Donations” aimed at those heading home for the Lunar New Year holiday.

25 employees from the Chungcheongbuk-do's Community Communication Division and the NACF Chungbuk Regional Headquarters conducted a campaign for visitors and residents at the Yukgeori Market and Osong Station.

The goal of this campaign was to pique local residents’ interest in the Hometown Love Donations policy, as well as to spread the culture of giving among homecomers and encourage the love of one's hometown.

Chungcheongbuk-do plans to put up banners at around 20 sites, including major ICs, stations, terminals, and crossroads, as well as large banners at the Musimcheon Intersection and lighting advertisement at the Osong Station targeting homecomers and residents during the national holiday.

An official from the provincial government stated, “In line with the culture of donation being established by donations from celebrities relayed through various media, we will promote Hometown Love Donations during the Lunar New Years holiday.”