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2027 Summer World University Games Launches Official Website
내용 2027 Summer World University Games Launches Official Website
- The ‘Find U Shapes in Your Life’ event will start on November 16
to commemorate the launching of the website-

The Chungcheong Megacity Bid Committee (CMBC; General Secretary Kim Yoon-suk) of the 2027 Summer World University Games (WUG) in Chungcheong Province launched the official website in English and Korean to promote the 2027 Summer Universiade in Chungcheong Province.
※ Official website in English: (http://2027chungcheong.com)
Official website in Korean: (http://2027chungcheong.com/kor)

The official website is available in two languages. The English version is for international associations and foreign stakeholders, and the Korean version is for public relations in Korea.

In particular, the English website provides information on previous Universiades held in Korea for international associations and interested persons, while the Korean website provides details on cooperation between four cities and districts of Chungcheong Province in promoting the Universiade, their plans for holding the Universiade and the current status of public relations.

CMBC General Secretary Kim Yoon-suk announced that the website, under the slogan “With U, with heart” (step up, jump and leap toward a new future together with the Chungcheong Province), will serve as a communication channel with stakeholders in Korea and overseas to highlight the various activities of private, public and academic organizations to promote the Summer WUG.

Meanwhile, the 2027 Summer WUG CMBC will host an event “Find U Shapes in Your Life” from November 16 to 28 to commemorate the launch of the website on the committee’s social media accounts (Facebook and/or Instagram).

To participate, you need to follow the 2027 Summer WUG’s social media account (Facebook and/or Instagram), find a U-shaped figure in your daily life, take a photo, then upload it to your own account using the hashtag #충청권을_응원해 (#SupportU_Chungcheong) and enter your information.

The winners will be selected at random and will receive a variety of valuable prizes.

(Facebook) 2027 Summer World University Games

(Instagram) 2027 Summer World University Games