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Successful 2021 Solar & Energy Festival
내용 Successful 2021 Solar & Energy Festival
- Successful online event with 65,000 views on the official website -

The 2021 Solar & Energy Festival, which has established itself as a representative energy festival in Chungcheongbuk-do Province, was successfully held and completed on October 3.

This year, the in-person festival scheduled to be held at the Seokwoo Culture & Sports Complex was canceled due to COVID-19. Instead, the event took place entirely online in a contact-free manner.

Its first official website was built for the online event, and a VR zone and an “Ontact Exhibition Hall” that invited 66 energy-related companies and institutions were created to promote companies that have been facing difficulties due to COVID-19.

In addition, the opening ceremony, academic conference, special forum, and energy-related education were live-streamed online, so that anyone can enjoy the festival without time and space constraints.

The official website (https://chungbuksolar.or.kr) recorded about 65,000 views during the festival period alone, proving the success of the first-ever online event.

According to a relevant official of Chungcheongbuk-do Province, they will continue to operate the festival’s official website to promote the energy industry in the province. Meanwhile, Chungcheongbuk-do Province will gather opinions about the overall event this year by conducting a survey on the website until October 8 to identify any areas of improvement and reflect the insight to the festival next year.